Use to cover blemishes, scars, imperfections, diminish shadows and de-emphasize lines. The Neutral colors that range from light to dark can conceal or highlight chosen areas of the face.
The Corrective Shades will neutralize sallow, ruddy or dark skin discolorations, while the Skin Tone
Shades will provide an even-toned background for foundation. This stay-put formulation will visually lighten and diminish shadows and lines. Paraben free.
Cover Stick
To lighten circles under your eyes or for discoloration on the lids, apply with your fingertips or a small brush. Apply your regular foundation with a makeup sponge and a dabbing motion so as not to wipe of the camoufage. To diminish expression lines, use a small, tapered brush and apply lightly in the indentation. Then blend with your fingertip.